Sunday, January 21, 2007


I am typing this in haste, as I have recently discovered many secrets which probably should have been revealed to me in a less abrupt manner, as I am still in shock. Charlie and I have talked about the many paulas, and have come to the conclusion that we are not to trust any of them, at least until we work out which is which. also, we have decided to try to rescue Garhuckle from Paula/palula number1/2/3 as he is most likely in grave danger. Before we do that,though, we must round up the remaining paulas and put them in some sort of large cage to make sure the cannot wreak any mor havoc on the world.

my to do list:
  • round up the paulas
  • lock them somewhere
  • find Garhuckle
  • rescue him
  • capture the other paula/palula
  • decide which is which
  • ask Sanchez if he knew about the Paula problem
  • feed my new pet the venus fly catcher

yours, even-more-confused-than-before,

Alyss and Sanchez

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