Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What has happened to the odd people?

To my esteemed readers,

What has happened to the strange people (or The Odd Ones, as I fondly call them)? they are usually so animated, yet now all is silent, except for the occasional arguing about whose turn it is on the laptop. they could have asked to borrow mine, as I would have been quite willing to let them borrow it, so long as they do not harm it in any way, lest I be forced to inflict damage apon thier persons. it is getting quite boring without thier hilarious arguments to keep me from going insane. perhaps my presence has scared them a little....... or perhaps they have spotted the smudge on the horizen, and seen it for what it really is, a mass of canoe-eating water snakes, which act like land on the horizen, to fool unsuspecting canoe-goers.

anyway, if they need my help, for whatever reason, the only have to call.

also, i have been reading the blog of the one they call "Charlie Pucker" and have decided to leave a comment on her blog, to warn them of the coming snakes.

yours puzzled,

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